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Posts: 3
Posted: Sat, 7th Sep 2013 5:10 AM

how can I get winbus messenger? I tried downloading and it keeps telling me I can't open it.

Posts: 36
Posted: Fri, 22nd May 2020 1:24 AM

Clic ->

Cuando descargues el ejecutable, ve a la carpeta que descargaste el programa, le das clic, botón derecho del ratón, y eliges del menu emergente que aparece, la opción, "Ejecutar Como Administrador", sigue las instrucciones...

Crea una cuenta en la web de Winbus, valídala en tu correo electrónico, el cual has puesto cuando te has reguistrado, para validar la cuenta, abre el correo electrónico que has puesto para crear la cuenta, y lee el mensaje de correo que te ha mandado Winbus, si no lo encuentras en "Bandeja de Entrada" mira en la carpeta "Spam"... Abre el correo que te han mandado desde Winbus y haz clic en un enlace que veras, es necesario que hagas esos pasos para terminar de validar la cuenta con la que te has dado de alta, para que el sistema verifique que eres humano y no un robot. Eso es todo. Po fabó!

Shalom Jerusalem
Posts: 3
Posted: Sat, 7th Sep 2013 5:11 AM

And I use to have the same lildude name on here before I just don't remember the full screen name an password it was something like _____lildude_____ with 5 or 10 scores I can't remember..

Posts: 114
Posted: Sat, 7th Sep 2013 8:41 AM

Sounds like your not really downloading the full program as it is timing out. The download size should be 4.4 MBs, if your ISP is timing out the download try using a VPN. Sometimes my crappy ISP will time out downloads also. Another thing you can do is try using a downloader or maybe Firefox to download it as Firefox has a pretty decent resume download feature. As far as there being a problem on the server side there is none, I just downloaded it with no issues at all.

Posts: 3
Posted: Sat, 7th Sep 2013 6:48 PM

it will let me download it but when I open it a box pops up and says The setup files are corrupted. please obtain a new copy of the program.

Posts: 114
Posted: Sat, 7th Sep 2013 7:28 PM

When it says corrupt file, that means it has not downloaded. Your only getting a partial download and your ISP is stopping it, yes it says you downloaded the program but in reality you only got part of it check the size.