How to Create a Username
Win Bus Messenger  »  Tutorials  »  How to Create a Username

Posts: 41
Posted: Tue, 20th May 2014 12:16 AM

How to Create a username.


1. Top Right you have and Free sign up.

Click Register.

2. READ THE Terms of Service and confirm that you are 18 years of age (or older).

3. Edit all of the Fields and Tic the *i agree to the terms* ( You agree to The terms of service.) as of above.

4. Click Register at the bottom

You should See this after you have created your account.

5. Now go Sign into the E-mail Account, which you used to signed up with and activate your account

Check your junk folder as sometimes it may get filtered.

Email will come from [email protected]

6. now click the link we have sent to you via your e-mail.

You will now see this that your account has been activated!

You are now ready to start using your winbus Account.

You've got to get up every morning with determination if you're going to go to bed with satisfaction.