Important: Support for older versions discontinued.
Win Bus Messenger  »  News  »  Important: Support for older versions discontinued.

Posts: 1161
Posted: Sun, 16th Feb 2014 12:46 PM


Due to ongoing architectural upgrades within our network, we are no longer able to offer support for older versions of this software.

As of release 108 (1.0.108), our network is primed to scale with more ease than before, therefore less problematic and offering an improved user experience.

This will be an ongoing development through the next short while, as we have many plans to make this even better, and again they may require discontinuation of support for older versions once the newer versions are released, and deemed a significant improvement over the older ones.

As of right now versions as old as 1.0.78 can still log into the network, this will not be the case from Monday, 17th Feburary 2014 onwards.

As of 09:00 GMT (9 AM, GMT) we will be enforcing use of the latest version so we can finally improve the core system a step further and finalize the latest wave of improvements, we cannot do this until the older support network is disabled, due to specific requirements it has which place greater stresses on our new load balancing system.

So in short, versions less than 108 will no longer login as of Monday.

Once phase 1/3 of our internal upgrades are completed, we will move on to phase 2, and at that end of that phase we will again prevent older versions between now and then logging in, as the next step involves dramatic changes in our tiers of servers, and the old version simply will not work - rather than allowing it to login only to fail we will simply prevent login altogether.


Posts: 1161
Posted: Sun, 16th Feb 2014 12:47 PM